Congratulations to Sensei Jim Humble on his Award of 5th Dan
May 2023 Dan Gradings
Thanks to all our clubs for the continued high standard shown at our Dan Gradings
Congratulations to Fraser Anderson as he attained his Junior Black Belt
Congratulations to Fraser Anderson who attained his Junior Black Belt on Monday 24th April at the Hallside club.
Heavy bag session at Crookfur on Sunday
Heavy bag session at Crookfur on Sunday - essential work out for power and stamina training.
BKA 2023 Calendar
Download and print-off the BKA calendar BKA-Calendar-2023Download
Welcome Guru Steve Krause
Crookfur club was delighted to welcome Guru Steve Krause to the Dojo in December ’22 for an exclusive end of year event. Sensei Ramsay’s great friend Guru Steve held a…